Current Activities
SLICC’s Research
SLICC is dedicated to generating new knowledge in the field of lupus, and translating these basic and clinical research discoveries into better health care practices and policies to help provide a healthier future for people diagnosed with lupus.
In 1998, the SLICC group established a longitudinal cohort of newly diagnosed patients with lupus (SLICC Inception Cohort) to better understand risk factors for atherosclerosis and metabolic syndrome, and characterize nervous system involvement.
Our current research activities are focused on atherosclerosis, nervous system involvement, lupus nephritis, and damage accrual, and their economic impact using the inception cohort. New initiatives include development of a pregnancy cohort and working group on microparticles as well as revision of the SLICC/American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Damage Index (SDI).