Dr. Ken Kalunian
February 27, 2018 7:38 pmDr. Kenneth Kalunian, is a Professor of Medicine, Department of Rheumatology, Allergy and Immunology at the School of Medicine, University of California, San Diego (UCSD). At UCSD he is a Co- Director of the Center for Innovative Therapy, the Director of the Lupus Center of Excellence and is a member of the UCSD Clinical Translational Research Institute. Ken received his Bachelor’s Degree in Biochemistry from Occidental College and his Medical Degree from St. Louis University; he completed his Internal Medicine training at UCLA where he was in the Faculty until 2003 when he moved to UCSD. He completed his rheumatology training at UCLA as well as an arthroscopy fellowship at the Lutheran Hospital in Chicago.
His expertise covers mainly lupus and osteoarthritis. His lupus expertise and research interests are clinical epidemiology, outcomes assessments, clinical trial design and novel therapeutic modalities. He has been a Scientific Advisory Board Member at Anthera Pharmaceuticals, Inc. since February 2008.
Dr. Kalunian serves as a Member of the Medical Scientific Advisory Board of the Lupus Foundation of America and has served as a Member of the Medical Scientific Advisory Board for the Lupus Research Alliance. He serves as the executive director of the Collective Data Analysis Initiative for the Lupus Foundation of America, is a founding member of the Systemic Lupus International Collaborating Clinics, is a member of the Lupus Nephritis Trials Network and is a member of the Lupus Clinical Trials Consortium.
Ken is a past- president of the Southern California Rheumatology Society and is a fellow of the American College of Rheumatology. He co-founded Lupus Therapeutics, which merged with the Alliance for Lupus Research and the Lupus Research Institute to form the Lupus Research Allliance. He now is the chair of the steering committee for the Lupus Research Alliance’s Lupus Clinical Investigator’s Network (LuCIN) and is a member of the executive committee of LuCIN. He has authored over 120 peer-reviewed papers (about 75% of them in lupus).
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